We are excited to share that we now have a brand new Customer Portal run by Gingr where you can login and request bookings, manage your account, view report cards, and more! You can find additional details in this help article.
What Features does this new Customer Portal have?
This new system will allow you to
- Have access to your pets profile (photos, report cards, notes, medications…)
- Book Daycare
- Request Grooming Appointments and Boarding Stays
- Buy Daycare Packs
- Check how many days you have left on you Packs
- Receive an email/text reminder when you are down to you last day
- Get email/text reminders for Boarding Stays and Grooming Appointments
- Pre-check Boarding
- Upload Vaccination Records and get reminders when they are about to expire
- View cost estimates as well as receive itemized receipts
- Request standing appointments for Grooming
- Availability to pre-pay any costs on your mobile device
- Safely have a credit card on file for easy check out!
- AMERICAN EXPRESS is now available to use!
- and more!
How to Access your Profile
There are a few ways you can access your profile.
1- By clicking the login button or book now on the homepage or throughout our website
2- Go directly to puptownlounge.com/login here
3- Download the Free App from Apple or Android/google to use on your mobile device called
Gingr for Pet Parents our code is 244601

How to Login for the First Time
- If you are a current customer logging in for the first time, select ‘Reset Password?’
- You will then be prompted to input your email or phone number attached to your account. When you select Send Reset Link you will receive an email or text with the password reset link. (This may take some time to receive, please check your spam filter)
- Once you receive the text or email you can select the Set Password link.
- After selecting the link, you will be navigated to the Password Reset page where you can create your password.
After creating your password you will automatically be logged into the Customer Portal!
If you are a new customer, click Sign Up instead of ‘Reset Password’ and follow the rest of the steps above.
If you have any questions please let us know! We will have extra staff for the next few weeks available in the morning and afternoon to help you log in and smoothly navigate this new system as well as answer any questions you may have!
We are so excited to be working with Gingr to make Puptown Lounge better than ever!
Love and head scratches!,
Puptown Lounge (woof)